Guardian Inc.
Guardian Inc.

Aiming to create a society where children feel safe

As a company we value diversity, and as such are contributing to the realization of a society that is tolerant of individuality. By working together, we can create a society where children from diverse backgrounds are respected, and can thrive in a comfortable environment despite their differences.

SOS communication system for children & students

Protecting children from issues such as abuse and bullying is a high priority, and Guardian Inc. is addressing this concern by putting children’s needs first. Through our SOS communication support system, kimino micata, children can use a tablet or PC to communicate with people they trust. Through creating an environment where children feel safe, we aim for children to comfortably raise their voices.

“What is diversity?” workshop series

An opportunity for elementary and junior high school students to learn about diversity in English. Workshops last approximately one hour, can be held on demand, and adapted to suit any grade level requested. Please feel free to contact us for more information.